

GWYNEDD Family Information Newsletter - March


Welcome to the March 2021 newsletter from the Gwynedd Family Information here to read GWYNEDD Family Information Newsletter

back at school info

3 - 7 year olds are back at school. We must still limit the spread of the virus to help keep schools and childcare open.

  • Only share a lift to school if you have to
  • Wear a mask for school drop off and catch up over the phone not at the school gate
  • Always remember - hands, face, space
  • School bubbles are for school onlu
  • Keep your child at home if they are unwell - even if you don't think it's coronavirus
  • There'll be time for birthday parties and sleepovers before long... but for now, thank you for everything your doing to keep schools and childcare open

school gate - limit contact outside school

There'll be time to catch up at the school gate before long...
but for now, limit contacts outside school and childcare to help keep them open

Please read the following letters about returing to school:


Poster Mynediad Meithrin/ Derbyn Medi 2021
Mynediad Meithrin/ Derbyn Medi 2021

(Welsh Only)
Mynediad Meithrin/ Derbyn Medi 2021 - Dyddiad Cau wythnos nesaf 1/2/2021

click here for more information

Santes Dwynwen — Nawddsant cariadon Cymru

25/01/2021 (Welsh Only)

Cerddoriaeth ramantus, calonnau, blodau, siocledi a chardiau… yr holl bethau rydyn ni’n eu cysylltu â Dydd Santes Dwynwen yng Nghymru.

Ond beth yw’r stori go iawn? Pwy oedd Dwynwen a pham ei bod hi’n nawddsant cariadon Cymru?

Darganfyddwch pam fod 25 Ionawr 2021 yn ddiwrnod i ddathlu cariad, a sut y daeth Dwynwen yn santes a dreuliodd ei hoes yn gofalu am eraill, gan sicrhau eu bod yn dod o hyd i obaith a chryfder i ddilyn eu calonnau ac i fod yn hapus.

Yr EnfysHow to use Teams


Guide on how to use Teams (Welsh Only)

Guide for Children

Guide for Parents and Guardians

Family Reading Scheme


An invitation for up to 6 families to take part in the Family Reading Scheme 2020/21. Here’s a chance for you to enjoy books and crafts together.

Click here for more information...

Talysarn School Information on Starting school in September


FAQs for Parents regarding opening Gwynedd schools in September

Ysgol Talysarn’s Plans and Arrangements for September 2020


Siop Siafins
School Uniform


Could you please email your order form direct to the company -

click here for more information

Dewch i gyfarfod moch Mrs Hughes. (welsh only)


Fideo Dechrau'n Ôl


Here's a video showing the guidelines that need to be followed when the school re-opens on Monday, June 29th. You might see some friendly faces

click here to view the video

Siop Siafins
Support and Report Directory


We've pulled together a list of support services, helplines and reporting platforms that might be useful for families and those working with children.

click here for more information

Siop Siafins
Siop Siafins (welsh only)
Pedwar Gweithdy Crefft hefo Lora Morgan


Creu Ffelt, Gwehyddu, Argraffu a Chreu Pompoms
Gorffennaf 6.12.20 a 27 @2.30
Ar MS Teams

Rhaid cofrestru o flaen llaw:

Mwy addas i blant Cyfnod Allweddol 1


click here for more information

Remember to keep safe by washing your hands


Smile ProgrammeDesigned to Smile Programme Update June 2020



click here for more information

End of Term Letter


Children working from home


  • 180520-llun-3-lrg
  • 180520-llun-2-lrg
  • 180520-llun-1-lrg


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Supporting Children during self-isolationSupporting Children during self-isolation



click here for more information

LLEU - Papur Newydd Dyffryn Nanlle LLEU - Papur Newydd Dyffryn Nanlle (Welsh only)



click here for more information

29.04.20 For the attention of parents!

Bore da, Gobeithio eich bod i gyd yn cadw’n saff...(cymraeg yn unig)

Mae nifer ohonoch wedi cysylltu yn holi am fynediad at lyfrau neu e-lyfrau ar gyfer eich disgyblion.

Roeddem yn arfer cyd-weithio gyda chwmni RMBooks sydd bellach o dan Browns Books sy’n cynnig gwasanaeth e-lyfrau VLEbooks ar gyfer ysgolion cynradd.
Mae cost ynghlwm a’r adnodd yma ond falle o ddiddordeb i ambell ysgol sy’n awyddus buddsoddi mewn adnoddau digidol ar hyn bryd.

O ran gwybodaeth, mae modd i unrhyw blentyn a rhiant sy’n aelod o unrhyw lyfrgell yng Ngwynedd gael mynediad AM DDIM at e-lyfrau, e-lyfrau llafar ac e-gylchgronau! Y newyddion da ydy fod buddsoddiad yn cael ei wneud ar hyn o bryd er mwyn cynyddu’r nifer o e-lyfrau sydd ar gael.

Are you struggling to find new reading materials for the kids? If you are a member of your local library you can access e-books and e-magazines for FREE!

You can download the @BorrowBox app for FREE access to e-books and e-audiobooks.

You can download the @RBdigitalUK app for FREE access magazines and comics. A separate @RBdigitalUK account can be created for children on their personal devices by selecting ' Wales Children's Library’.

All you will need is your membership number. Not a member? Don’t worry, joining is simple. Follow the link and click on Join the Library

Links and information can be seen on Facebook and Twitter ‘Llyfrgelloedd Gwynedd Libraries’ If you have any enquiries please e-mail

Remember this important messageRemember this important message...



click here for more information

Cheering Up ChallangesCheering Up Challanges


Bake an Easter cake/cakes.

click here for more information

Yr EnfysYr Enfys - Key Stage 2


Ideas for various tasks and activities based on the ‘Rainbow’ theme for home or school use with Key Stage 2 learners, aged 7 to 11 years. Can be adapted for other ages.

click here for more information

COVID-19 Government Guidance LetterCOVID-19 Government Guidance Letter

click here for more information

Dydd Miwsig Cymru

Dydd Miwsig Cymru

click here for more information

Cinio Eidalaidd

Cinio Eidalaidd

click here for more information

Cinio Santes Dwynwen

Cinio Santes Dwynwen

click here for more information

Hwyl i'r Teulu

Hwyl i'r Teulu
Gweithdy gyda Helen o Storiel ym Mhlas Silyn.


click here for more information

Clwb Brics

Clwb brics
Adeiladu octopws.

click here to view more photos

Hwyl i'r Teulu

Hwyl i'r Teulu- Gweithdy gyda Helen o Storiel.


click here for more information

Llaeth y Llan Competition.

Llaeth y Llan Competition.

click here for more information

Hwyl i'r Teulu

Hwyl i'r Teulu - Addurn.

click here to view more photos

Hwyl i'r Teulu

Hwyl i'r Teulu - Roald Dahl Show

29th of November.

click here to view more photos

Roald Dahl show

A Roald Dahl show for the 'Hwyl i'r Teulu' families.

Friday morning, a warm welcome to you all!

Hwyl i'r TeuluHwyl i'r Teulu

An afternoon decorating Christmas cakes in the 'Hwyl i'r Teulu'. Cake chefs of the future, the cakes looked amazing. Thank you Denise, a lovely afternoon.

Hwyl i'r Teulu

Sesiynnau Hwyl i'r Teulu efo'r Llyfrgell (translation coming soon)

Plant a rhieni yn mwynhau sesiynnau crefft a stori.

Cliciwch yma i weld mwy o luniau

Plant Mewn Angen (translation coming soon)

Canlyniad gwych heddiw- £80 i elusen Plant Mewn Angen, diolch bawb!

Cliciwch yma i weld fideo

Easter BingoHer Nadoligaidd i’r Hen Blant Bach (translation coming soon)

Fe fydd Hen Blant Bach yn dychwelyd ar S4C y Nadolig hwn, a'r tro yma mae trigolion oedrannus ardal Dyffryn Nantlle yn ymuno â ffrindiau bach newydd i gynnal Sioe 'Dolig arbennig iawn.

Yn y gorffennol dangosodd Hen Blant Bach fod rhannu gofal dydd yr henoed a phlant bach yn fanteisiol i'r ddwy genhedlaeth. Ond sut bydd trigolion cartref gofal yn ymateb wrth fynd ati i gyd-berfformio Sioe Nadolig gyda phlant 5 oed o'r ysgolion lleol?

Yn arwain y cyfan mae brodor o Ddyffryn Nantlle, Ken Hughes, cyn Brifathro 70 oed a brofodd gryn lwyddiant dros y blynyddoedd gyda'i sioeau cerdd a chaneuon actol mewn Eisteddfodau led led Cymru. Ac yntau wedi ymddeol ers blynyddoedd, mi oedd hon yn her oedd yn codi ofn arno.

"Mae gen i brofiad oes o weithio efo plant, ond dim profiad o weithio gyda'r henoed,' meddai Ken.

"Felly yn sicr mi oedd ceisio creu sioe efo plant pump oed, ac oedolion yn eu wythdegau a nawdegau yn her enfawr.”

Dros gyfnod o wythnosau, fe ddaeth preswylwyr Cartref Plas Gwilym ym Mhenygroes i adnabod plant o Ysgolion Talysarn, Bro Lleu a Llanllyfni yn dda, gan dreulio sawl awr ddifyr yng nghwmni ei gilydd. Yr her i Ken oedd castio ar gyfer prif gymeriadau drama Nadoligaidd o blith y ddwy genhedlaeth, gan gynnwys rhai trigolion bregus.

Cliciwch yma i weld mwy o luniau

Easter BingoHyfforddiant Cymorth Cyntaf (translation coming soon)

Blwyddyn 3,4,5 a 6 yn cael hyfforddiant Cymorth Cyntaf

Cliciwch yma i weld mwy o luniau

Easter BingoDdiogel ar y Ffyrdd (translation coming soon)

Blwyddyn 1 a 2 yn dysgu sut i fod yn ddiogel ar y ffyrdd yn y Gymuned gyda Anti Shirley Kirb Kraft

Cliciwch yma i weld mwy o luniau

Easter BingoBrick Club

The Brick Club will be held again this year. Every Tuesday for 7 weeks, first session next Tuesday, September 10th from 3.15-4.15pm. You will need to register your child and pay £17.50 online to attend the 7 sessions using the link below:-

Click here to pay online

This club runs every Tuesday from 18th November 2019. Full Description: Ysgol Gynradd Talysarn 2 weeks from 18th November

Click here to view more photos

Easter BingoYmewlwyr arbennig (translation coming soon)

Profiad anhygoel iawn ddoe, cafodd yr ysgol ymwelwyr arbennig iawn! Daeth Islwyn i ddangos ei Dylluanod arbennig iawn.

Click here to view more photos

Click here to see the video fideo

Easter BingoCoffee Morning

Thank you for supporting our Coffee Morning again this year- £307 towards MacMillan Charity,great.

Click here to view more photos

Easter Bingo‘Mewn Cymeriad’ the history of the Welsh language

Had an interesting afternoon watching a show ‘Mewn Cymeriad’ about the history of the Welsh language.

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Easter BingoChristmas Fair

Click here for more information

Easter BingoPoster Hwyl i'r Teulu (translation coming soon)

Click here for more information

Easter BingoHwyl i'r Teulu

The 'Hwyl i'r Teulu', Dawns i Bawb taster session. Everyone had fun and some delicious tea time snacks!

Click here to view more photos

Easter BingoPrynhawn Sgon a Sgwrs

A delightful afternoon, chatting over a cuppa and a scone. Thank you for your support.

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Easter BingoDiogelwch y Ffyrdd

The School Council has been working with Aunty Shirley the Road Safety Officer recently to try and think about ways to keep the pupils safe by improving the traffic situation by the school.

Reminder - NO PARKING on the yellow letters by the gate or on the double yellow lines at any time please.

Click here to view more photos

Easter BingoLlofnod Dysgu Teulu

A few families filling their Signatures this morning for the family learning project this morning, thank you. We are looking forward to work on various interesting projects.

More families are more than welcome to join us, get in touch for more information.

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News Archive

Easter BingoEaster Bingo

Click here for more information


imageBlwyddyn Derbyn 1 a 2 yn Fu's - translation coming soon...

Cliciwch yma i weld mwy o luniau

imagePrynhawn Blasu - translation coming soon...

Cliciwch yma i weld mwy o luniau

imageGwasanaeth Nia o Coleg Y Bala - translation coming soon...

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imageGwasanaeth Diolchgarwch - translation coming soon...

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imageLlofnod Dysgu Teulu - translation coming soon...

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imageNadolig 2017 - translation coming soon...

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imageGweithgareddau Blwyddyn 3 a 4 - translation coming soon...

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imageCymhwysedd Digidol - translation coming soon...

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imageBore Coffi McMillan - translation coming soon...

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imageProsiect Llofnod Dysgu Teulu - translation coming soon...

Teuluoedd blwyddyn 1 a 2 yn gweithio gyda'r Llyfrgell fel rhan o brosiect Llofnod Dysgu Teulu.

Cliciwch yma i weld mwy o luniau

imageTy Newydd Llanystumdwy - translation coming soon...

Blwyddyn 5 a 6 wedi bod ar ymweliad preswyl yn Nhy Newydd Llanystumdwy yn gweithio gyda Mari Emlyn ar prosiect cyffroes iawn ar y cyd a Ysgol Brynaerau

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imageLofnod Dysgu Teulu - translation coming soon...

Llofnod 2017 wedi cychwyn, 8 Teulu gweithgar iawn wedi cwblhau'r llofnod ac yn awyddus yn y gweithdai.

Click here to view more photos


Recognising excellence

The Estyn awards 2016-2017

We are pleased to announce the publication of our short film featuring the excellence from our awards evening.

Thank you to everyone who took part.

To watch the film - click here


imageLleu – Ysgol Talysarn - Ebrill 2016 - translation coming soon...

Aeth rhai o blant Blwyddyn 4,5 a 6 ar daith preswyl i Gaerdydd am dri diwrnod ar Ebrill 11eg. Cafodd y disgyblion amser gwych yn ymweld â rai o brif atyniadau’r brifddinas gan gynnwys Stadiwm y Mileniwm, Y Senedd, Techniquest a Sain Ffagan. Bu’r criw yn ffodus iawn o gael aros yng Nghanolfan yr Urdd a chael cyfle i ymlacio rhywfaint hefyd gyda’r nos drwy gael mynd i’r pictiwrs ac i fowlio deg. Roedd yn brofiad bythgofiadwy i’r disgyblion.
Daeth Theatr Maldwyn draw i’r ysgol yn ddiweddar i berffomio sioe am yr Ail Ryfel Byd gan bod y disgyblion hynaf yn astudio’r Rhyfel. Cafodd y plant gyfle i fod yn rhan o’r sioe, roedd pob un wedi mwynhau yn fawr.
Cafodd plant Blwyddyn 1 a 2 gyfle i ymweld â Chanolfan Mari Jones yn Y Bala dechrau’r mis gan eu bod wedi bod yn astudio hanes Mari a’r Beibl. Cafodd y disgyblion wisgo fyny fel pobl y cyfnod a chymeryd rhan mewn sawl gweithgaredd tra y buont yno. Roedd pawb wedi mwynhau y diwrnod yn fawr.

image Ysgol Talysarn School Eistedfod

To view more photos - click here

February News

Reception class, Year 1 and 2 pupils recently visited Colwyn Bay Zoo as they were studying the Penguins theme this term. Everybody enjoyed the experience hugely.

The school’s senior pupils had an opportunity to participate in hockey sessions run by Hoci Cymru. The pupils enjoyed this hugely and they are looking forward to further sessions.

Dragon Week is held at the school at the beginning of March. Many various activities had been organized during the week including an afternoon of Welsh crafts, a talk by the Urdd Marketing Officer and a visit from Mr Urdd, a writing workshop by the author Angharad Tomos, a Welsh disco and to finish off the week, a School Eisteddfod. Congratulations to all the individuals who won during the day. Osian Llyfni won the chair for writing a story with Elan runner up and Ffion third. The Llifon team won the shield this year.

One recitation group competed at the Catchment-area Cylch Eisteddfod on Saturday, February 27th. We commend the children on their efforts in coming third in the competition.

A St David’s Day service was held on March 1st, governors were invited to the service and dinner, every class participated in the celebration. Thanks also to Anti Mandy and Anti Elen the cooks for preparing the St David’s Day dinner.

Year 5 pupils had an opportunity to perform an instrumental piece based on the migrants escaping from Syria, as part of Bangor Music Festival. The pupils performed their work on Bangor High Street. An excellent experience for all the pupils of working with the composer Mared Emlyn.

Weekly Family Fun sessions have recently been held at the school. The sessions were varied including singing, story telling and creating crafts sessions. The parents visited the fun sessions with their children after school.

We wish to thank Meinir Owen, a student from UCNW Bangor who recently taught Year 3 and 4. We extend best wishes to her.